Salutations and congratulations: You are hereby granted tenure as an instructor to the internationally admired, Shining Phoenix Girls Academy. We greet you warmly and with open arms. For generations, Shining Phoenix has held the distinction and honor of cultivating renowned businesswomen, politicians and royalty, yielding a legacy of unparalleled excellence. Your role will be an important one: for you are more than a teacher who guides promising students, but a figure whose words and actions guide the future of humanity. Know that your selection into our illustrious ranks was not made without heavy consideration. It is an honor to have your presence in our esteemed staff, and we look forward towards a positive response. With your help we shall continue to be the best, who teach the best.
Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashino (遥かに仰ぎ、麗しの) is a comedy drama eroge published by pulltop in 2006. It has no sequel, side story, or noteworthy doujinshi.
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I’ve long come to the conclusion that the mind of an American is wired differently from those who hail from the Land of the Rising Sun: what might constitute as badass there; is not necessarily considered interesting here. Of course the Western adult gaming market, or rather the significant lack of mainstream interest, is concrete proof of this. One of the leading review sites for hentai entertainment in Japan is Erogamescape, which derives metric ratings for eroge via democratic voting. Much to my amusement, the collective judgment of that community has showered acclaim upon titles that I personally considered irredeemable filth, and in total contrast has lambasted titles I would proclaim as paragons of perfection. So when the annual Bishoujou Game Award announced their winners for 2007, I was highly skeptical I’d find much accordance with the verdict. Frontrunner of the coveted Grand Prize was Harukani Aogi, Uruwashino, an eroge that also earned First Place in several supplemental categorizes (Music, Pure Love, Scenario, and User’s Choice), fostering a clean sweep nostalgia like The Lord of the Rings enjoyed during the Academy Awards. I found this to be a surprising outcome, for until that point I was long under the assumption that Akane Iro Akano Saka would be the Japanese champion of saccharine love. Though taken aback, the triumph did nothing to kindle my interest in a title devoid of twincest and loligoths, so I intended to ignore the BGA 2007 winner in lieu of tastier fish.
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While I do not possess an extensive collection of “pure love” eroge, for the simple fact that my tastes generally run along the darker gamut, it does not mean I am incapable of finding satisfaction or appreciation from lighthearted stories. Nevertheless, I confess holding titles such as Harukani Aogi, Uruwashino to greater scrutiny when determining if I should purchase them. Unfortunately this particular Pulltop title did not sustain my attention following a cursory preview of the rear package advertising. That it contained exceptionally beautiful artwork was never in doubt, but nothing overtly sold the product on me, and breathtaking graphics do not necessarily make a good eroge. What truly hammered the coffin’s nail was the unimaginative story scenario, something I repetitively experienced in at least six dozen selections locked away in my storage closet: the ever cliché tale of a charismatic male teacher becoming the first significant intimate role model of several beautiful female students, who inevitably forge an unbreakable romantic inclination towards him, thanks to his involvement in solving an emotionally profound life crisis. Quite literally: been there, done that. Yet this blind insensitivity would prove to be a tremendous miscalculation, and were it not for a lucky string of events thanks an Italian online friend named Baldo, I would have never given the eroge a chance to prove it.
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The central charm in Harukani Aogi, Uruwashino can be attributed to one thing: unfiltered concentrated moe. Each of the main heroines is forged on the foundation of a personality fetish taken to incredible extremes, creating an allure of such character magnetism, it’s like being at ground zero of a thermonuclear blast. No self respecting otaku can repel firepower of this magnitude. Like lolicon with an attitude? Kazamatsuri Miyabi is the ultimate tsundere in a late puberty package, commanding an incredible vocabulary of insults and hair-trigger temper, yet easily prone to exposing her emotional weaknesses without realizing it. Looking for an adventurous fun seeker? Aizawa Misaki is more than just a hyperactive otaku; she’s a human Chaos Effect, unleashing unparalleled mischief in her wake, thanks to an overactive and surprisingly perverted imagination for someone so innocent. These are just two superficial examples of the adorably addictive heroines you will encounter, which utilize these cliché traits to leverage the player’s affection and adoration. Though it’s certainly possible to detest certain roles due to personal preferences in what someone considers cute - it’s impossible to actually HATE someone: they draw love like puppies and kittens.
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Harukani Aogi, Uruwashino narrates the tale of an inexperienced teacher recently appointed an academic position at the illustrious Shining Phoenix Girls Academy, and the impact his considerate personality and charismatic presence has on the students he instructs. The protagonist is accompanied by Akatsuki Kouichiroh, a close colleague and fellow novice teacher, who presents an important choice during the prologue, determining which heroines are winnable throughout the scenario: “Which dormitory do you want?” Because each instructor at the academy serves off-duty responsibilities as chaperone of the residence hall they live within, this innocuous question grants a chosen dormitory to the protagonist, while silently conceding Kouichiroh the unselected choice. Yet the distinction between these two locations is deeper than influencing which characters take the lead role: they are also independent sororities with unique traditions, different uniforms, and unalike approaches to dealing with similar situations. This method of presentation, in combination with the aforementioned influence of character prevalence in the story, creates the ultimate impression that Harukani Aogi, Uruwashino is more than a single eroge. But at no time does this become a negative factor or denies crosspollination, for the dorms remain interconnected thanks to Kouichiroh’s close friendship, the sharing of classrooms, and friendly rivalry between these student sisterhoods. Indeed it adds tremendous replay value, as the two experiences are very distinctive.
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Ironically enough, due to the immensity of spoken dialog and story duration in Harukani Aogi, Uruwashino - double to triple the amount found in competing titles - the overwhelming character charm fuels the eroge’s greatest failing: inability to romance the entire cast. Despite their high frequency of appearance and ease in attracting the player’s affection, several minor characters (specifically Mishima Kyouka, Uehara Kanade, and Lida) cannot be won for the simple reason that it was never an intention by the developers. It can also be debated if producing a script of this magnitude, forced the scenario writer’s imagination beyond its creative limit, as dozens of plots devices are blatantly borrowed from popular mainstream anime and manga series: Ai Yori Aoshi (several slapstick jokes), Ouran High School Host Club (the infamous vase breaking scene), and Sister Princess (an Aria and Jiiya skit from G’s Magazine) to name a handful. In the author’s defense, this amalgamation of divergent concepts is seamlessly executed without causing noticeable conflict or contraction; sometimes even resulting in different outcomes from the original. However individuals well versed in Otaku culture will most certainly sense déjà vu, but some individuals might find it entertaining in determining the origin of each plagiarized subplot.
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Being developed by the same studio, it should come as no surprise that Harukani Aogi, Uruwashino utilizes the audio and visual engine as Princess Waltz, sharing all the presentation magnificence of its predecessor. Nowhere does artwork quality fail to exceed standards: pleasing character designs, bright vibrant colors, breathtaking background illustrations, simply yet undeniably elegant cinematic scenes… the praise is endless. Even so, one cannot possibly ignore the pampering feats lavished on paper dolls. The quantity of paper doll expressions and positions for a single character in Harukani Aogi, Uruwashino, often exceeds the number found in an ENTIRE eroge from rival companies. This luxurious asset is further elevated by the capabilities of Pulltop’s dynamic game engine, producing endless visual effects that literally bring these two dimensional images to life. While all characters except the player’s are masterfully voice acted, special praise must be given to the commanding performances to Miyabi, Misaki, Yuuna, and Kanade. It is unquestioningly clear each actress was “in the zone” during her recordings - you literally hear anticipation in assuming the role. Though lacking a memorable impact, the music is gorgeous and diverse, perfectly matching each event it accompanies. Twenty sex scenes comprise the erotic content of the title, with the duration and image count of each greatly varying, as some girls get more loving than others. Regardless, the primary scene for each heroine consists of at least two dozen images and no shorter than ten to fifteen minutes when put on automatic text mode.
As a subdivision of Will, the release of Harukani Aogi, Uruwashino cements the position of pre-eminence that Pulltop holds within the company. It is a crowning achievement worthy of the praise and accolades received, reflecting the ingenious creativity of everyone who contributed to the eroge. While the overall scenarios has a distinctive lack of originality, the entire cast is loveable and easy to relate, earning the player’s devotion only minutes after the introduction. It should be noted, that the 2006 Title of Harukani Aogi, Uruwashino is scheduled for Western release by Peach Princess. Is there a chance that English gamers could enjoy the eroge splendor that our Japanese brethren received?
— Central Characters —
![]() | Kazamatsuri Miyabi . Miyabi is heiress to the Kazamatsuri legacy: founders and headmasters of the Shining Phoenix Girls Academy. Short tempered and highly defensive of her diminutive stature, she presents an argumentative and challenging personality to everyone she encounters, but deep down remains an uncertain child inside. |
![]() | Takatasu Tonoko . Viewing surroundings with a clearheaded advantage, Tonoko has a unique way of examining the world, oftentimes leaving a casual observer mystified at her conclusions. She is painfully honest and straightforward, yet always careful to maintain a respectful demeanor. Whenever free time permits, Tonoko enjoys relaxing on a hill on academy grounds that overlooks the bordering seashore, finding serene comfort in the vista. |
![]() | Yaotome Shino . Shino suffers from an extreme phobia of nearly everything, easily agitated by the most insignificant hazards and always assuming the worst in any situation. She is passive and timid to authority, easily submitting to the orders of others, but adamant on advising flight over fight. Due to her constant worrying, Shino’s nervous hastiness contributes to an inherent clumsiness. |
![]() | Mishima Kyouka . Kyouka is the daughter of a respected family and noble bloodline, inheriting generations of keen intellect and picturesque beauty. Unfortunately these virtues contribute to her immense pride, resulting in terse situations when individuals refuse to respect her commanding presence and natural superiority. Especially Kazamatsuri Miyabi. |
![]() | Nire Sumika . Most students consider Sumika an untouchable lone wolf, as she spends little time associating with others and dedicates herself towards the achievement of academic honors and athletic excellence: a perception only magnified by her serious outlook, curt answers to innocuous inquires, and strict adherence to a daily schedule. |
![]() | Aizawa Misaki . Misaki is a carefree and energetic individual, forever guilty of perpetuating innocent trouble wherever she wanders. Her eternal smile and infectious happiness makes it easy for her to befriend the most difficult of people, and more importantly, find forgiveness when her antics unintentionally get out of control. Naïve and innocent to a fault, Masaki is surprising knowledgeable about romantic intimacy and sexuality. |
![]() | Hashiba Yuuna . Cherishing the virtues of patience and discretion, Yuuna superficially gives the impression of being bookish and submissive. It is this misjudgment that makes her maternal temperament surprising to strangers, as Yuuna possess a deep reserve of inner strength that drives her to stubbornly protect what she believes in. Yuuna spends the majority of her days in the academy arboretum, where she cultivates rare species of flora and shrubbery. |
![]() | Uehara Kanade . Kanade suffers from extreme panic attacks, taking allusions and offhand remarks at literal value. Naturally docile and pacifistic, she is the total opposite of Aizawa Misaki, her role model and closest friend. Often an accessory to the crimes Misaki commits, Kanade nonethteless has a tremendous influence on her hyperactive associate, passively limiting the damage of their adventures by openly voicing her concerns of the repercussions. |
![]() | Lida . Lida’s Russian native family has severed the House of Kazamatsuri for generations; an honor she cherishes as the personal servant of the family’s future leader. Normally calm and collected, professionally carrying out her household duties with the utmost dignity, she becomes a terrifying force of nature when angered - a notion that fearfully keeps Kazamatsuri Miyabi in line. |
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